Status: Complete

Approval has been given for a café to be created in this space in conjunction with BYU Dining Services. Until that can happen, it is was remodeled into student study space. While the Snack Zone on Level 3 undergoes a ceiling replacement, the furniture from that space has been relocated to this space.
Five offices have been built in the First Year Experience area. The area outside of the offices will have new furniture to create a welcoming atmosphere for our first year students.
Complete demolition of Facilities and Receiving department made way for a new Stacks management space, new Facilities offices, new mail and supply rooms, and a better layout for the consolidated Book Repair and Conservation lab.
Three Science offices and two single-user bathrooms were demolished. Six new Science offices were built along the south wall of our Science collection. New single-user bathrooms were built south of the new offices. A new opening was cut into the wall that separates the south building and the central building. The previous opening was filled in.
The northwest corner of Religion/Family History was enclosed by glass walls in order to convert it into a classroom. New classroom furniture was added to this space.
The glass wall that enclosed the Music and Dance help desk area was removed. The wall separating the Music collection and the Music and Dance computers and composition stations was removed. These wall removals improve sight lines for the help desk and the Music and Dance collection and study area to the north. Access to natural light has been improved. Furniture was rearranged from an east/west orientation to a north/south orientation thereby facilitating patron movement through the area.